The FMF Gnarly Pipe… the name says it all. The Gnarly pipe will change your offroad riding game indefinitely. The FMF Gnarly pipe is the "go to" pipe in off-road racing. It was designed to handle the rigorous off-road terrain from desert to woods, while increasing torque and bottom end power. The FMF gnarly pipe is the strongest pipe on the market comprised of heavy duty 18 gauge steel. Extremely strong, you can ensure the FMF gnarly will get you to the finish line. The low end power gains make the gnarly even more attractive to the late model 200cc-500cc engines which operate at higher rpm’s. The FMF Gnarly pipe is not for a beginner, and it works well on tight mx tracks, and excels in off-road racing.
- 18 Gauge US Steel
- Low-Mid range power gains
- Truck loads of torque
- Increased tractability
- O-Rings Included
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